The Unbearable Blogness of Steven
Thoughts on culture and current events
Friday, June 30, 2006
ALA Conference Summary 2006 

GWLA CD meeting:
1. BioOne is creating a new collection (a la Muse, Jstor)

1. Met with Sage and discussed UALC interests
2. Talked with Microsoft about OCA involvement. They implied that perhaps OCA does NOT want to come to our collections for digitizing unless there is a critical mass of materials. Might ask that we ship materials to one of their digitizing locations.

ACRL Literature in English Section:
1. Collections discussion
A. Corpora data files: how are libraries dealing
B. Cooperative collection development: what are libraries doing. California divides up geography (different region--New Zealand--for each library). Colorado is sharing an approval plan. Which library gets a title is based on circulation by LC class.

posted by Steven Harris @  2:58 PM Comments-[ comments.]

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Steven H.